January 11, 2013

  • CBT (Part 8)

    Yesterday’s session was a good session. If you’ll recall, I gave my doctor my journal from 2006-7 to read so that he could glean some information from it that would help him prepare for future sessions. Well so far it hasn’t worked all that well. He will read some of the journal and ask me about an entry or a certain line, but they were written so long ago that I just plain don’t remember them. So he suggested I take my journal back, and I will read it and bring up entries that would be good to talk about.

    We did go into the area of why I am a non-confrontational person. Honestly, in real life I am so terrible at picking up social cues and body language and facial movements that I just can’t detect when someone is annoyed with me or worse. So by the time I do detect it, it is almost always full blown hostility that no one can miss. So from my perspective someone will go from being completely nice to being completely hostile and I just don’t know how to process that. So I react with confusion more than anything else. Now if I am reading the exact ssame thing as what is being said I can pick up the between the lines stuff relatively easily. But verbal confrontation is just not in my arsenal. I figure this has something to do with my very mild form of autism (undiagnosed but that has to be it).

    Before I move on to the three goals, HERE is a link to the last CBT entry.

    Goal #1. Separation Anxiety. I will be at my Dad’s next weekend and during the day on Saturday he and my Stepmom will be away at a party. This will be my next chance to work this issue.

    Goal #2. Dogs. I will probably see Leanard tonight when we go to my brother’s house to visit. I don’t have much anxiety about this.

    Goal #3. Weddings (or from what I will now on call Social Anxiety). In a couple weeks my Stepmom will have a party at their house and I am invited. Yikes! But another opportunity I suppose to work on this issue.

    @mypublicsite @megabyyte @foodhog @light_blue_fables @heytherejoann @isitreal_no

Comments (6)

  • By no means am I a shrink, but if I may, I should like to offer a suggestion: Theatre. When you slip into another’s skin, you are more aptly able to cope with this anxiety as you can then slip into another’s skin at will. Truly, though, it is you, as you are Geppetto.

    I’m probably not making a lick of sense. (I stay wooden most of the time, unless I cut the strings.)

  • @Kellsbella - interesting comment.  I’ve never throught about it like that before.  I struggle with anxiety sometimes, so I wonder if your suggestion would be helpful… hmm…

  • I’m glad you aren’t having anxiety about Leonard! Good luck next weekend!!

  • You can read in between the lines… Good insight!
    Look at this for a few minutes. If you think it may help, there are books and even videos available.
    Work with what you have and strengthen that.
    Nice JOB!

  • I’m the same way. I don’t know when I’m making someone mad, and they’ll flip out on me. I can tell in writing better that someone is mad than in person, which is weird.

    I read that you didn’t publish your first book. I was wondering if you wanted to put it up on lulu? I put a couple of books up there so that I’d get feedback. They haven’t gone out the market yet, though one is half-way there. They are the ones I wrote last year. I wrote three books in 2012. I was slacking! But I had a couple of schizophrenic episodes last year. They make doing anything nearly impossible. Me huh what? I plan on writing at least 10 this year. So far, my schizophrenia has been mild. It erupted a little around the holidays, but we increased one of my meds, and it went away.

    I’m 30,000 words through my first book of the year. I write 10,000 words a day, so it’s party time on Thursday. I won’t get to celebrate long because I have a short story collection that needs work, and I’ll have to fluff it up. Since I’ve only written 10,000 words of it, I will need at least another week to complete it.

    Normally, I shoot for 5,000 words a day, but I’m trying to hurry up with these, so I doubled it.

    I’m hoping to become a writer as a job since it’s something I can do, but it’s hard, man, especially when you’re starting out.

    Are you on disability? I am, and I hate it. I’m on it due to my memory. With writing, I can see it and take notes on it.

    I had to quit school due to my memory.

    I wish someone would have done CBT with me in the beginning. That would have made life much easier.

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